Club Ambrosetti – Ambrosetti Club was born in 1999, when The European House Ambrosetti, a professional group gradually developing many activities in Italy, Europe and throughout the world, decided to offer opportunities of continuous updating and debate with a background made of discontinuities, sudden changes and unexpected accelerations, in order to satisfy the business’ needs. The Club has more or less 300 members today and its goals are:
– to actually contribute to our country’s civil and economic progress;
– to contribute to the institutions and business’ excellence and optimisation;
– to support a system of preferential relationships among the members.
The contents and activities of the Club are several, including: meetings, conference call, round table discussions, researches and in-depth analyses, sector and local community, “lettera club”, Ambrosetti Club Economic indicator, Golden Gate, AP-Permanent Updating service, Workshop, international Forum.
ELIS is a non-profit educational reality that revolves around people and job and, with its activities, it proposes professionalism as a service to the common good. ELIS addresses young people, professionals and companies to respond to the school-work gap, to the youth unemployment and to contribute to the sustainable development of organisations.
ANCE (Associazione Nazionale dei Costruttori Edili) – ANCE represents the Italian construction industry. About 20.000 private companies, specialised in public works, residential, commercial and industrial construction, environmental protection, construction promotion and specialised works, are ANCE’s members. The membership system is extended all over the national area and it is made of 96 Local Associations and 20 Regional Organisations. The ANCE’s work’s goal is promoting and supporting the values of business and construction industry and its activities and it takes care about national interests. Internationally, ANCE is based in Bruxelles and it is member of the main international construction Federations. ANCE system promotes and manages the Italian construction internet portal.
ANRA (Associazione Nazionale dei Risk Manager e Responsabili Assicurazioni Aziendali) – ANRA è l’associazione che dal 1972 raggruppa i risk manager e i responsabili delle assicurazioni aziendali. L’associazione opera attraverso la sede di Milano e vari corrispondenti regionali. ANRA è il punto di riferimento in Italia per diffondere la cultura d’impresa attraverso la gestione del rischio e delle assicurazioni in azienda. Si relaziona con le altre associazioni nazionali di risk manager in Ferma, a livello europeo, e in Ifrima a livello internazionale. ANRA è costituita da Risk Officer, Risk Manager ed Insurance Manager che operano quotidianamente nella professione e che trovano vantaggio nello scambio continuo delle proprie esperienze e nella condivisione di progetti a beneficio dello sviluppo del settore. ANRA organizza incontri aperti a professionisti ed aziende su tematiche inerenti al rischio aziendale, corsi di formazione per nuove figure e scambi di esperienze con colleghi stranieri. Nella sua attività di supporto a manager ed imprese, ANRA si appoggia a molti partner, come enti universitari, società di consulenza, compagnie assicurative, broker, società di servizio nell’ambito del rischio d’impresa: con le loro competenze specifiche, tutti questi attori portano valore aggiunto ai membri dell’associazione e alle loro imprese.
Appaltiamo was founded with the aim of supporting and assisting anyone who has daily to manage tender procedures for the assignment of jobs, services and supplies: the dynamic and practical work method is the base of the services that Appaltiamo wants to offer its customers. The main services offered by Appaltiamo and addressed both to Public Administrations and Companies are training in procurement field and the specific advice in planning and management of any tender procedure for the assignment of public contracts.