Technological risks are those referred to possible dangers to human beings and the environment deriving from productive activities related to technological infrastructures and networks.
The development of industrial activities and the constantly growing sophistication and complexity of equipment and plants have prompted the need to group under a single insurance product all the various needs and requirements aimed at providing protection against damages caused by this particular category of activities.
CAR (Contractors’ All Risks) Policies, for public works
In compliance with Art. 129 of Italy’s Legislative Decree 50/2016, the executor of work(Contractor) is required to underwrite an insurance policy...
CAR (Contractors’ All Risks) Policies, for private works
Uno delle più importanti coperture assicurative che riguarda le imprese di costruzione è la polizza C.A.R. (contractors all risks) “tutti i rischi...
Decennial Policies
Italy’s Legislative Decree No. 122 of June 20, 2005, by enforcing the provisions of the Parliamentary Law (Legge Delega) n. 210/2004, has...